2014/02/04 #web viewer   #tablet   #server side rendering   #ipad   #ios   #tablet-pc   #tablet-computer   #html5   #browser  

Video: 3D CAD Viewer on iPad: Kisters 3DViewStation WebViewer

The Kisters 3DViewStation WebViewer Version is a web-browser based 3D CAD Viewer for i.e. iOS.As iOS does not support WebGL we will do the demo using our server-side rendering feature. For other operating systems like Android or Windows you might choose for client-side rendering.Advantages of server-side rendering:

  • runs on all systems with HTML5-based Web-browser 
  • data are protected as no geometries will be transmitted to the client 
  • better performance than client-side rendering, especially with low bandwidth and/or large assemblies
3D CAD viewer on iPad Kisters 3DViewStation WebViewer EN