将 3DViewStation 用作售后、服务和备件解决方案的可视化系统。
为一个复杂的产品提供信息、措施和服务是当今每个公司的客户所期望的。通过直观的用户指导轻松进入在线系统,促进了备件的购买,并导致了客户的忠诚度,这比一份新的信件更好。对于美国常称为 MRO(Maintenance-Repair-Overhaul)<g id="50"> </g>的售后解决方案,必须将不同源系统的数据和信息汇总到一起。如今,许多应用程序只是缺少一个可以用来可视化显示对应的 CAD 数据的图形组件。这一点对于某些服务应用程序是一样的,这些应用程序常会向正在出差的技术人员发出警报,但通常情况下仅能告知客户名称和错误代码。但是,增加一个3D图形来表示产品,可以带来决定性的优势,因为一方面你可以看到问题存在的空间位置,也可以从几何形状链接到故障排除或维修的说明。但是,最好是使用相应的作者系统来尽可能以 3D 形式创建不同说明书的图形内容并加以维护,由此还能减少花在零件目录上的工作量,这种零件目录如今作为无插件的纯 Web 应用程序运行。在这种情况下,3DViewStation 的所有产品变型都适用。
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... for users
- 该产品系列可用于处于所有作者任务
- 无插件的 HTML5 浏览器足以完成可视化显示
- 可完全集成到主系统的界面中
- 即使是极其复杂的产品,也能迅速获得视觉印象
- 可帮助服务技术人员更好地进行故障评估
- 始终可访问最新信息(在线使用时)
- 操作便捷
... 对于开发者来说
- 集成模块可将来自多个系统的数据合并到一起
- 面向作者系统和最终用户系统的集成
- 可快速实施集成
- 由于没有 SDK,因此只需几行编程代码即可
- 在桌面版和 Web/移动集成版之间切换时,仅需进行少量调整即可
- 高水平的咨询团队可帮助解决集成方面的所有问题
... 决策者
- 获得和保留客户
- 营销和销售备件和服务
- 使用100%的备件BOMs
- 对3D和2D的最终结果只有一个解决方案
- 在线使用可避免使用过时的数据和信息
- 在线和离线使用的概念
- 服务小组的救济
- 许多自动化的可能性
- 不需要培训
- 无需安装客户端(使用WebViewer)
Quanos(原TID Informatik)以前的CatalogCreator三维浏览器需要一个必须在本地安装的插件,而且必须在本地访问要可视化的数据。为了消除这一限制,我们寻求一种HTML 5解决方案,它只需要一个现代浏览器,但不需要客户端安装。
Quanos已经决定使用3DViewStation WebViewer版本。它是一个HTML 5解决方案,可以在个人电脑和移动设备上使用,而不需要在终端设备上使用一个以上的浏览器。通过3DViewStation,三维CAD数据可以直接从不同的三维CAD系统加载。如果有非常复杂的装配体,可以使用批处理工具KAS对其进行预转换,即使是最大的装配体,其加载时间也能缩短到几秒钟。
有了3DViewStation WebViewer版本,CatalogCreator现在可以在任何终端设备上操作,甚至在智能手机和平板电脑上。较短的加载时间确保了用户的高接受度。由于 3DViewStation 也可以离线运行,并且在制作备件数据的时候可同时作为作者系统使用,此外还拥有目前仍在使用的 2D 格式导出选项,因此成为了一种理想且面向未来的解决方案。

The problem:
Manufacturers of trailers, superstructures, agricultural vehicles and also accessories in the automotive environment often have spare parts solutions today that are digital, but based on 2D. Images are often used that are partially derived from CAD data. Sometimes vector drawings are used, e.g. in SVG format, which can at least have hyperlinks. However, with the progressive switch to 3D CAD, this content is outdated and too expensive due to the necessary preparation.
The solution:
The 3DViewStation is often used here both as an authoring system and as a pure viewer. First of all, the old way can be supported by creating content in the previous data formats, be it image or vector, from the 3D CAD data. However, the 3DViewStation can also make 3D content look like 2D illustrations, which means that the transition does not necessarily have to be made visible if it is to be gradual and less conspicuous.
The benefits:
The 3DViewStation supports both approaches, the traditional 2D and also the 3D way, but also the smooth transition. In perspective, however, the full switch to 3D is more cost-effective and future-proof. Because the effort involved in processing is often drastically reduced or even completely avoided.

The problem:
Today, machine manufacturers use e-mail and apps to inform their service staff about necessary work. Often, however, only a customer name and an address are given here, perhaps also which machine it is. However, it could often be an advantage if the service employee could assess exactly what the problem is and how it could be solved while on the road. And whether any spare parts are required, without which a repair would not be possible. This requires graphics that run even on smartphones and that also get by with a small bandwidth.
The solution:
With the 3DViewStation WebViewer version, the service employee can see exactly where the problem occurs on the machine while he is on the move. He can now access current and historical status information of the affected component. It provides links from a part to related maintenance and troubleshooting documentation and information about required replacement parts.
The benefits:
The forthcoming assignment can be better assessed while on the move. If it is clear that spare parts are required, use that is pointless at this point in time can be avoided and costs saved. Since some machine manufacturers also operate the 3DViewStation on the machine itself, the additional effort for such a solution is negligible.

The problem:
Deutz switched from 2D spare parts documentation to 3D a few years ago. For this purpose, the data was first prepared with an authoring system and then displayed in the browser using a viewer. However, since this viewer was an ActiveX component that only ran with Internet Explorer, a future-proof HTML 5 solution was sought.
The solution:
As part of the conversion of the product configurator to the Kisters 3DViewStation, it was now obvious to use the 3DViewStation WebViewer version for the after-sales and service area.
The benefits:
There are no longer any restrictions regarding the browser and the operating system of the end device. For this purpose, the data available for the configuration process can be used for the spare parts application without further processing.

The problem:
Many manuals and technical documentation are still printed or published in 2D today. Internal departments often work on the content, but there are also many external service providers. Colleagues often receive 3D CAD data from which they have to derive images or vector illustrations themselves. These are then often transferred to editorial systems or incorporated directly into documents. Since editors are not CAD specialists, they need an easy-to-use tool to get their job done.
The solution:
The Kisters 3DViewStation desktop version is often used here. 2D and 3D CAD data from a wide variety of CAD systems and also neutral formats can be read and processed. This includes isolating subassemblies, changing colors or transparencies, attaching annotation or free-standing text, exploding assemblies, and attaching balloon graphics. The individual processing steps are created in views and then exported as images or vector drawings in the desired data format.
The benefits:
With an intuitive tool, 3D CAD data from a wide variety of sources can be processed quickly and easily. In addition, the 3DViewStation is cheaper than a CAD system.
3DViewStation WebViewer版本已经完全集成到维护解决方案LCAM的界面中。点击一个几何图形,所属的组件将立即在 LCAM 中高亮显示,反之亦然。同时,将列出为该组件所保存的图片、文档和报告,并且可以附加新报告。