08.02.2016 #STEP   #coordinate system creation   #SolidEdge   #Solidworks   #AP 242   #fast   #memory   #XML-API   #dimensioning angles  

3DViewStation Desktop v2016 Release

We have done a new 3DViewStation Desktop version V2016 with a series of enhancements, described below. The new version is available for download now. Fileformats:

  • New: ST8
  • New: SolidWorks 2016
  • New: STEP AP 242 XML
  • Font substitution for DXF, DWG, DGN


  • New: preview when creating coordinate systems
  • New: preview when creating angle dimensions
  • New: auto section after coordinate system creation, i.e. in center of drilling
  • Enhanced: point measurement during section
  • New: multi-thread rendering
  • Enhanced: significantly faster rendering of large models: loadtime as 3DVS 50% reduced
  • Enhanced: significantly reduced memory consumption: memory consuption reduced by 60%-70%
  • Enhanced: significantly reduced 3DVS file size: by 20% -30%
  • New: XML-API, for all 3DViewStation product flavours: Desktop + ActiveX + WebViewer
  • New: possibility to share floating licenses between Desktop & WebViewer