Ribbon reorganized (if you use customized ribbons, they may have to be updated to work with this version!)
Import 2D
- NX 2406 Series (until 2406.7000)
- Solid Edge 2025
- Solidworks 2025
Export 2D:
- DXF, CGM, SVG (2D sources now supported)
- HPGL/2
- Gerber
Functions & Features:
Configuration view groups:
- add, rename and remove groups
- move views between different groups
- playing sequences now run in groups
- export PDF overview shows groups
- for backwards compatibility: writing groups to 3DVS can be disabled
Improve view alignment options:
- Isometric with four directions around the up-vector
- two dimetric options
- coordinate system directions
- Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, Back are removed from UI (API is deprecated)
▪Physical properties: add pane and simplify seeing inertia values
▪Create 3D primitives: plane, cube, sphere and cylinder
▪Create lines: free line
▪Create points: free point and gravity center
▪Create 3D markup: line
▪Clash: setting to combine multi-body parts for the calculation
▪Export complexity: Analyze your models before exporting
▪Open solids: visualize faulty geometries ▪Alternative 2D import: add compare functionality |
▪Easier to switch scene arrangement (tabbed vs. windowed)
▪Switch language without restart
▪Update dialog was reworked: Added option to install update directly
▪Preset SelectableColors: the same color can be now used multiple times with different descriptions
▪Add application color theme 'Dark Blue'
▪VR: Support of VR-Headset Meta Quest 3
▪VisShare: Use PostgreSQL 17.4.1 (For new installation only. If you are updating your VisShare installation, remember to migrate your database manually)
▪VisShare: Use Nginx 12.7.4 |